Join us!

As a member of the Hyperloop Association, you will have the opportunity to be at the forefront of shaping the future of mobility. Join forces with industry leaders and innovators, and play a pivotal role in accelerating the development and adoption of hyperloop technology. Together we can create a more connected and empowered world.

Why your participation is vital

Collaboration & Networking

We provide a unique platform for collaboration, enabling you to connect with experts, visionaries, and influential decision-makers, exchange ideas, and form partnerships that can drive growth and innovation.

Influence & Thought Leadership

Actively shape the direction of the hyperloop industry. Contribute to the development of standards, policies, and best practices, exerting influence and thought leadership in this transformative field.

Market Opportunities

Position yourself as a key player in the hyperloop ecosystem. Gain early insights into emerging market trends, and tbe the first one to explore opportunities that arise from this groundbreaking technology.

Positive Impact

Contribute to a more sustainable and connected future, and drive positive impact on our planet and future generations. Hyperloop offers an eco-friendly alternative to traditional transportation methods, reducing carbon emissions and congestion.

Membership Categories

We believe that fostering an inclusive envrionment and embracing a multidisciplinary approach are crucial for accelerating the progress of developing hyperloop systems. As a collaborative community, we’re welcoming a diverse range of organizations to join our mission, and contribute to our shared vision of driving innovation in the transportation sector for a more connected and sustainable future of mobility.

Hyperloop Developers

Companies currently involved in the development of the 5th mode of transportation

Industry Members

SMEs or large corporations that seize the opportunity of hyperloop as a new market segment for business expansion and diversification

Associate Members

Universities, Academic and Research Institutions, Associations, Student Teams participating in Hyperloop Competitions and more

How to Become a Member

To express your interest in joining the Hyperloop Association, please fill in the form below. You will shortly receive a Membership Application form to fill in, and additional information about becoming a member of the association.

Our team will carefully review the supporting documents submitted, inform you of their decision regarding your membership application and provide you with instructions on how to proceed further.

Have any questions? Get in touch with us at: